Hunting and Gathering { 82 images } Created 8 Dec 2018
At contact, the Aboriginal economy was based on a stable, considered management of the environment and an effective organisation of labour. Males and females made different but complementary economic contributions. Women were primarily the gatherers of vegetables, roots, herbs, fruits and nuts, eggs and honey, and small land animals such as Snakes, Goannas. Men were the hunters of large land animals and birds and also co-operated to organise large-scale hunting drives to catch Emu's and Kangaroos. The collection and preparation of this wide variety of bush food required the development of an efficient, multifunctional technology, considerable practical skills, and its seasonal changes. Some plant foods were easy to collect but required complex preparation before they could be eaten.
A combination of nomadic lifestyle and the regions sunny climate meant that there was no need to build substantial dwellings. The shelter was relatively used in permanent camps and was consisting in a frame work of saplings covered with a thatch of material locally available.
(Aboriginal History Hunting and Gathering)
Nowadays so many thing have changed and it becomes more difficult for people to hunt on a daily basis.
A loose edit.
©Ingetje Tadros
A combination of nomadic lifestyle and the regions sunny climate meant that there was no need to build substantial dwellings. The shelter was relatively used in permanent camps and was consisting in a frame work of saplings covered with a thatch of material locally available.
(Aboriginal History Hunting and Gathering)
Nowadays so many thing have changed and it becomes more difficult for people to hunt on a daily basis.
A loose edit.
©Ingetje Tadros