Call upon the Whale Spirit { 12 images } Created 8 Dec 2018
Smoking Ceremony at James Price Point.
The whales in the Kimberly needs you!
The country and the sea are calling.
Grandmother Whale is in danger, it’s time for us all to Wake up and unite.
The Elders all around the world are watching. Now our Elders are calling for us all to take up our rightful place and responsibility. Calling all saltwater tribes to unite in our traditional way. Doing smoking ceremonies all around the sea shore of Australia and at the heart of our sacred country Uluru at the same time on the same day. In our own ceremonial ways. We call on all our non traditional brothers and sisters to unite with us. Let Grandmother Spirit light the ceremonial fire. Unite the ancient Song lines. And call upon the Whale Spirit to regain her strength.
This message went viral and in many places this ceremony has been performed.
Woodside Petroleum's proposed to build a 30billion dollar gas hub at James Price Point where is the largest whale breeding ground in the world.
James Price Point, Western Australia September 2012.
©Ingetje Tadros made on Iphone
The whales in the Kimberly needs you!
The country and the sea are calling.
Grandmother Whale is in danger, it’s time for us all to Wake up and unite.
The Elders all around the world are watching. Now our Elders are calling for us all to take up our rightful place and responsibility. Calling all saltwater tribes to unite in our traditional way. Doing smoking ceremonies all around the sea shore of Australia and at the heart of our sacred country Uluru at the same time on the same day. In our own ceremonial ways. We call on all our non traditional brothers and sisters to unite with us. Let Grandmother Spirit light the ceremonial fire. Unite the ancient Song lines. And call upon the Whale Spirit to regain her strength.
This message went viral and in many places this ceremony has been performed.
Woodside Petroleum's proposed to build a 30billion dollar gas hub at James Price Point where is the largest whale breeding ground in the world.
James Price Point, Western Australia September 2012.
©Ingetje Tadros made on Iphone