Image 89 of 1986
We are not afraid!
Shirley and Roslyn Jessel outside their shed in Goobawama Community, Western Australia, Australia. 27 June 2016.
Goobawama Community is an Indigenous community near Kununurra in the far North West of Australia.
It along with approximately 100-150 Aboriginal communities in Western Australia is part of a sweeping government policy of settlement closure and dissolution of Indigenous Australian communities.
But Shirley told me while I was visiting this very small community ,that they are not afraid of the closures as 'we live in a shed and there are only 2 ! , but we would love to have a proper house".
©Ingetje Tadros
Goobawama Community is an Indigenous community near Kununurra in the far North West of Australia.
It along with approximately 100-150 Aboriginal communities in Western Australia is part of a sweeping government policy of settlement closure and dissolution of Indigenous Australian communities.
But Shirley told me while I was visiting this very small community ,that they are not afraid of the closures as 'we live in a shed and there are only 2 ! , but we would love to have a proper house".
©Ingetje Tadros